How To Delete Your 23andMe Data Before It’s Sold

23andMe is selling its assets after declaring bankruptcy, but you can delete your data before it goes to the highest bidder.
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It’s true that 23andMe has filed for bankruptcy. Its assets are up for sale, including your genetic data, which is arguably the largest asset of all. The data sale industry was valued at around $348 billion in 2024, a total projected to only grow higher. Any buyer of 23andMe will want to cash in on that enormous amount by using the information you have stored in the platform’s database.

Data sales are creepy enough on their own, but they become invasive when they contain a complete view of your unique DNA. If you’re like us and many other 23andMe users, you want to delete your data from the company’s coffers before it’s sold. We have a complete rundown on how to do that.

We also suggest snagging a data removal service as part of your security package. The best data removal services crawl the internet, looking for any mention of your personal information and aggressively lobbying to have it removed. Keep reading to learn more about how to download and delete 23andMe data.

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Read before you delete your 23andMe data

If you want to download your 23andMe account data, including reports, family tree information, and more, you must let those data requests complete before initiating data deletion. When you select to delete your data, 23andMe will automatically close your account pending your final confirmation. Account closure is irreversible.

How to delete 23andMe data and close 23andMe account

If you’re ready to delete your 23andMe data, consider downloading all of your reports first. You signed up for 23andMe because you wanted to learn more about yourself. You paid for that information and can claim it permanently by downloading it from the site.

Once you complete the data deletion process, your account will close, and you’ll lose access to your information forever. Before deleting, make sure you have everything you want.

We suggest downloading the Reports Summary, Family Tree Data, Profile Data, Genotype information, and any other relevant sections.

Once you’ve done that, follow the steps below to delete it from 23andMe’s database:

  1. Log in to your 23andMe account.
  2. Click the account icon.
  3. Navigate to Settings.
  4. Scroll down to 23andMe data and click View.
  5. Enter your birthdate and click Confirm.
  6. Scroll down to Delete data.
  7. Enter your reason in the optional box if desired.
  8. When ready, click Permanently delete data.
  9. Once you receive a confirmation email, confirm permanent deletion.
  10. This action also closes the 23andMe account.

Delete 23andMe step 1 access Settings

Scroll down to delete or download 23andMe data

Confirm birthdate to proceed with 23andMe data deletion

Scroll down to delete data and select permanently delete 23andMe data

How to delete 23andMe test sample

23andMe is about to sell off all of its assets to cover its bankruptcy. While the data it has stored in its servers can be deleted, the company may hope you forget it still has your test sample. Any company that purchases 23andMe’s assets can reacquire all of your data by using the test sample.

Once you request that the sample be destroyed, the action is irreversible. This is why we suggest downloading your data before deletion so you have all the information you paid for when you signed up.

But you definitely want to have your genetic samples destroyed before closing your 23andMe account. Here’s how:

  1. Log in to your 23andMe account.
  2. Click the account icon.
  3. Navigate to Settings.
  4. Scroll down to Preferences and select Edit.
  5. Click Permanently discard samples.

Delete 23andMe step 1 access Settings

Edit Preferences to delete 23andMe test sample

Click to permanently discard 23andMe samples

Does 23andMe sell your DNA info?

The current privacy policy states that 23andMe is safe: It won’t share any data without your express consent. However, that may quickly change when the assets are sold off as part of the bankruptcy.

There are three distinct categories of information you should revoke consent for on the 23andMe website. The use of your DNA is the first major category. Next, you should revoke consent to share personal data. Finally, you want to opt out of research opportunities based on your unreported genetics. Here’s how:

  1. Log in to your 23andMe account.
  2. Click the account icon.
  3. Navigate to Settings.
  4. Scroll down to Research and Product Consents and click Edit.
  5. Manually revoke consent for each category by clicking Change consent.

Delete 23andMe step 1 access Settings

Scroll to Research and Product Consents to revoke 23andMe research consent

Change consent to revoke 23andMe consent

Revoke consent 1 23andMe

Revoke consent 2 23andMe

Revoke consent 3 23andMe

Review revoked consents 23andMe

How to download 23andMe data

Downloading your data is a pretty simple process. You’ll log in, confirm your birthday, and then go to the different categories to make your requests. It takes a few days, but 23andMe will email you when your data download is ready. Since this does take 2-4 days, we suggest doing it ASAP so you still have time to delete your data and close your account.

Download 23andMe account data

Follow these steps to request a data download of your account:

  1. Log in to your 23andMe account.
  2. Click the account icon.
  3. Navigate to Settings.
  4. Scroll down to 23andMe data and click View.
  5. Enter your birthdate and click Confirm.
  6. Read through the Important things to consider information.
  7. Click Download in each category where you want your downloads, including Download Ancestry Composition Raw Data, Download Family Tree Data, and Download Raw Data.
  8. You can also access your Reports Summary by clicking the Reports Summary button.
  9. Make sure to submit the request and receive confirmation that you’ll be emailed when it’s ready.
  10. Wait 2-4 days for the email, then follow the link to download your data.

Delete 23andMe step 1 access Settings

Scroll down to delete or download 23andMe data

Confirm birthdate to proceed with 23andMe data deletion

Download 23andMe account data like reports summary and family tree data

Submit request to download 23andMe genotype data

While your genotype data may not make a lot of sense to you, it’s still worth having because you paid for it, and you may be able to use it in the future.

To download this section of information, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your 23andMe account.
  2. Click the account icon.
  3. Navigate to Settings.
  4. Scroll down to 23andMe data and click View.
  5. Enter your birthdate and click Confirm.
  6. Check the boxes next to each section to download your Imputed Genotype Data R6 and Phased Genotype Data.
  7. The download buttons for each will turn blue and become clickable. Click on them to download your genotype data.

Delete 23andMe step 1 access Settings

Scroll down to delete or download 23andMe data

Confirm birthdate to proceed with 23andMe data deletion

Download 23andMe genotype data

Genetically male individuals will have data markers for X and Y chromosomes, while genetically female individuals will see “not determined” for the Y chromosome. Genetically female bodies do not include a Y chromosome, so the data set does not exist.

Download 23andMe profile data

The registration and web behavior portion of your 23andMe account can also be downloaded. This includes account event history, mailing address, legal documents, gift cards received from 23andMe, changes made to profile name, order history, and shared reports.

Here’s how to request your profile data:

  1. Log in to your 23andMe account.
  2. Click the account icon.
  3. Navigate to Settings.
  4. Scroll down to 23andMe data and click View.
  5. Enter your birthdate and click Confirm.
  6. Scroll down to Profile Data.
  7. Select which profile data you’d like to download (e.g., Consent History, Order History, Shared Reports, and more) by checking the corresponding box.
  8. Once you’ve made your selections, click Request Download.

Delete 23andMe step 1 access Settings

Scroll down to delete or download 23andMe data

Confirm birthdate to proceed with 23andMe data deletion

Download 23andMe profile data

What is happening to 23andMe?

On Sunday, March 23rd, 23andMe announced bankruptcy; it now plans to sell off its assets. Many people speculate that the company’s declining business was due, in part, to a data breach in October 2023, where user information was leaked. Ethnic data, in particular, was shared, which made many people uncomfortable. This led to decreased customer trust.

Services like 23andMe have been declining in popularity in recent years due to the vast amount of extremely personal data the companies collect and a lack of faith in the proper handling of that information. The industry lacks a lot of regulation because it’s so niche. 

Elective genetic research also doesn’t fall under HIPAA protections because that’s usually reserved for medical companies like doctors and hospitals. While the genetic testing company states it won’t sell or share your data without your consent, the lack of regulation has led many to stop using DNA testing services in general.

What happens to your 23andMe data if the company is sold?

When you paid to use 23andMe’s services, you agreed to its terms of service. The company does own your data, but you have the right to request its deletion and the right to be forgotten. If you don’t, your information will be sold to whoever buys 23andMe’s assets. Data sales is a huge industry, and the amount of personal data 23andMe owns is a desirable prize.

While there are some national and international laws created to help protect user privacy, they aren’t blanket laws that cover everyone. The CCPA is exclusive to California consumers, while the GDPR is only for European citizens. Anyone outside those regions may not have many protections available to them. Deleting your information from 23andMe’s database is the only guaranteed way for your data to stay protected in the upcoming sale.


How do I stop 23andMe from selling my data?

Currently, 23andMe is stating that customers' data is still protected under its privacy policy, which states that your data won’t be sold. However, the company can’t guarantee that the new owners will continue to protect customer information. The only way to stop the sale of your data with other company assets is to request that it be deleted.

How can I delete my 23andMe account?

Once you request that your data be deleted, your 23andMe account will be deleted and closed. It’s essential to request data deletion and have your genetic samples destroyed to ensure your information isn’t part of 23andMe’s assets sale. Once you delete your account, the results are irreversible, and you can't go back and make any requests.

Can I download raw data from 23andMe?

Yes, you can request downloads of all your raw data. 23andMe reminds customers to check the privacy policies of any other site where you may have uploaded your raw data. Third-party sites may misuse your data if they have shady privacy policies or spammy practices. While this is true, it also may be a scare tactic used to keep you from using another service. Do your due diligence before giving anyone else this personal information.

Bottom line: Should you delete data from 23andMe?

Yes, you should delete all your data from 23andMe and request that your genetic test samples be destroyed. Since the site will be selling its assets as part of its bankruptcy, you have no idea who will purchase the information or what they’ll do with it.

Since you paid for your genetic ancestry information, you should request copies of the 23andMe data before you have it deleted. After downloading it, make sure to take the proper steps to remove it from 23andMe’s database. By following the proper deletion protocols, you can ensure you’ve done the most you can to protect your information.

If you want to take further steps to protect all of your data, not just what’s on 23andMe, consider some of the best data removal services available. They’ll scour the web for your info and get it deleted, reducing spam, scams, and even identity theft. Data sales equal big money. Don’t let someone else profit off your DNA.

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Author Details
Mary is a seasoned cybersecurity writer with over seven years of experience. With a B.S. in Liberal Arts from Clarion University and an M.F.A. in Creative Writing from Point Park University, she educates audiences on scams, antivirus software, and more. Her passion lies in educating audiences on helpful ways to protect their data.